Certification of 37 young people in welding and e-accounting

YourJob Kosova is always committed to supporting young people for employment based on the needs of the labor market and the real situation of the Kosovo economy. Taking into account the demands of young people and the needs of businesses, we managed to organize two professional training in welding held in Gjakova and accounting held in Prishtina, where a total of 37 young people benefited. These training were organized in cooperation with businesses with professional trainers and university professors.
The certification ceremony of these young people was also attended by France Ambassador Christine-Marie Butel, General Director Don Viktor Sopi, and representatives from municipalities, organizations, and universities. In her address, Ambassador Butel highly appreciated the work of the YourJob project and the support of young people in employment, where according to Mrs. Butel the project is offering young people opportunities for a new life. While Don Viktor Sopi in his speech addressed the youth and called them a force for change and the protagonists of a better future in our country.
"Thank you for the organization and the opportunity to participate, the training has been very helpful for me and I feel ready and confident to step into the labor market. Many thanks to all of you!" - Albin, one of the participants in the training.
The training proved to be successful as young people have been invited for job interviews in various businesses before completing the training. This shows a positive result and hope for their employment very soon.