Impressions of YOUR JOB KOSOVA project online training


Alma Mashkulli – Student from high school “Gjon Buzuku” - Prizren

I was introduced with Your Job project at the info session with the students of our high school “Gjon Buzuku”, held by Your Job Kosova’s team.

The first impressions were that this project is one good step in terms of empowering youth and guiding them toward their goals.

During pandemic situation caused by COVID-19, as a school we have organized various activities with our students, but of course to achieve this, the conditions and opportunities were limited. Through the social networks we have been informed about the possibilities that Your Job Kosova offers, including virtual trainings on various topics in which the benefit was of course indisputable.

We have been informed elaborately from Your Job Kosova’s team, who have shown from the beginning a maximum cooperation. The training was related to “Electronic Communication and writing a letter of reference”, where have participated a group of students.

The training presented by Your Job Kosova’s team, provided extensive knowledge on the elaborated topic in which students had an opportunity to take advantage and reinforce their skills in writing emails and writing letter of reference. Possessing the ability to write these two important forms of communication is essential in complementing the student's academic performance. The students were very satisfied and there were questions and discussions about the presented material.

YOUR JOB KOSOVA once again presented the importance and goal oriented to provide support to youngsters who in various ways are beneficiaries of this project and of course this is the best example of one project to support youth in career orientation and for a sustainable job.

Thank you Caritas Kosova and especially Your Job Kosova’s team!

Caritas Kosova kultivon dhe promovon: Dashuri, Solidaritet dhe Paqe