Online training with the topic: Jobseeking


In the framework of Your Job program, we continue to organize online trainings due anti-Covid measures in various fields, according to the interest of youth.

One of the latest trainings held online is the training on job searching, which we have considered very necessary for the marginalized youth to which we are focused and we have realized that they have a lack of these informations in job searching - based on the direct work we do with them.

The topic of the one-day training was Jobseeking, where participated 26 candidates from all locations Prizren, Gjakova, Mitrovica, Vitia and Kllokot, where Your Job project is continuing to be implemented.

The training was attended with interest and interactivity by young jobseekers, who had the opportunity to express their challenges related to work.

In addition to the job search, were explained the necessary documents for a job application, how to prepare the CV, motivation letter and the necessary techniques for the job interview prepare.

The participants expressed their gratitude for the opportunity provided and assessed the training as very necessary and useful for them.  

They assessed it as an added value for their preparation towards entering the labor market.


Caritas Kosova kultivon dhe promovon: Dashuri, Solidaritet dhe Paqe