Signing of the MoU with Cacttus Education

The YourJob project continues to create opportunities for young people in order to be trained in various fields from vocational training.
This time, based on the needs of the market for computer knowledge and the interest of young people for MS Office programs, an agreement was signed with the training center Cacttus Education, which offers professional study in the currently most required areas of local employment in the field of technology, information and communication.
The cooperation between Caritas Kosova and Cacttus Education aims to support young people, through the implementation focused on preparing young people for employment.
Following the publication of the call for training in MS Office, a large number of young people from all municipalities of Kosovo are interested and the beneficiaries are expected to start this training in December.
Upon completion of this training, young people with prior skills in various fields and computer training will be ready to enter the labor market and their employment will be more sustainable.