Training at company “Koshi Group” – Prizren


Caritas Kosova through Your Job project continues to give opportunities to youth in professional fields by offering various training according to youth interests that directly contribute to their sustainable employment.

One of the last training signed with 11 beneficiaries from Prizren is the one with the company "Koshi Group" in Prizren, which deals with the production of automotive parts from carbon fiber, a field that is very favored by men.

Young people who have started training are familiar with this field since most of them have completed technical high school as auto mechanics.

This training agreement aims to increase cooperation in the employment of young people who through preliminary training will be able to become part of the company “Koshi Group” which is one of the most innovative companies in the country.

The project realized thanks to the cooperation with this company aims that initially these young people are trained in a professional way for three months in a row and after the training to be settled in the respective departments of the company, depending on the performance they will show and their skills.


Despite this training, this company invites other interested young people to apply for a job position and become part of them, as they are in great need of energetic and motivational young people.

Caritas Kosova kultivon dhe promovon: Dashuri, Solidaritet dhe Paqe