Two internship agreements - Prizren


Your Job Kosova even in this pandemic situation continues to contribute to the employability  increase of vulnerable young people with professional orientation, career counselling as well as first work experience and entrepreneurial practice and various professional trainings.

Although in a difficult situation to work and facing reluctance related to cooperation with youth, with a continuous approach of communication we have managed to systematize young jobseekers in businesses even though they are facing with unforeseen circumstances because of the pandemic. At those businesses they have space to train in fields for which we have jointly managed to highlight the fields where they show interest to gain skills.

During this difficult time with Covid 19, young jobseekers have knocked on our offices to find solutions to have access in the labor market.

Together with the Coordinator of Your Job project  from Caritas Austria, Mr. Tobias Noelke who visited Caritas Kosovo, in addition to the visits we made to various beneficiaries and businesses, we signed two internship agreements with two young jobseekers from the municipality of Prizren, Elion and Dren.

This came as a result of the visit of two young boys who had heard about Your Job project at info sessions, which I have held regularly in high schools, where young jobseekers have had the opportunity to learn in details about the services offered by the project.


Elion and Dren after the interest about Your Job project and numerous counsellings in our offices have started the internship at the agriculture business "Mentor Çollaku", located in the remote area of Prizren. This field is left aside in terms of the interest of young people at these times.

These beneficiaries will be trained for four months in a row by supporting of Your Job project.

Upon completion of the internship, beneficiaries will have easier access to the labor market or even continuing to work regularly at the same company depending their performance.

What we are looking for as a result of the counsellings for career orientation and then practical work supported by Your Job project, it is ideal that this whole process to end with sustainable employment as many success stories of Your Job project beneficiaries.

Caritas Kosova kultivon dhe promovon: Dashuri, Solidaritet dhe Paqe