Management Standards

Caritas Kosova as a corresponding member of Caritas Internationalis based in Vatican, and Caritas Europa based in Brussels, implements the Caritas network management standards known as CIMS (Caritas Internationalis Management Standards).

CIMS regulates every aspect of Caritas Kosova's work and focuses on four main areas:
1. Laws and Ethical Codes
2. Governance and Organisation
3. Programme and Finance Accountability
4. Stakeholder Involvement

Caritas Kosova implements also the Management System according to ISO 9001: 2015 and is certified by TÜV NORD CERT GmbH, Germany.

Caritas Kosova is licensed to provide social and family services for the elderly, people with disabilities and children marginalized at the national level by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.

Caritas Kosova is licensed to provide health services by the Ministry of Health.

Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct for Staff

Certificate for the Management System according to ISO 9001:2015

License to provide social and family services

Licenca për ofrimin e Shërbimeve Sociale dhe të kujdesit ditor per personat me aftesi të kufizuara për fëmijë dhe të rritur.

Licenca për ofrimin e Shërbimet e kujdesit ditor ose gjysëm ditor, në rehabilitim dhe integrim social për fëmijë në vëshitrësi, në sjellje dhe mësimnxënie.

License to provide health services

Caritas Kosova cultivates and promotes: Love, Solidarity and Peace