Health Care and Improved Access to Health Services

Lonely elderly people are among the most vulnerable groups in society, at the same time it is the most needy group for care, as various situations have made them live alone and forgotten by both society and the state social care system. Home is the only place where an elderly person feels comfortable. Through home care, lonely elderly remain as independent as they can. Independence is a great psychological help, especially when the effects of age begin to affect. Therefore, the provision of care by Caritas Kosova programs for this age group protects their dignity, and the accompaniment offers them family warmth and love, since as a human being no one deserves to end up alone.

For marginalized and needy people, it is not always possible to provide outpatient services in FMC and FMA, as a result of the lack of human and material capacities of health institutions. Through the provision of outpatient services, we aim to provide services to the population or the poorest strata which has limited access to outpatient services.

Caritas Kosova brings health institutions closer to the population or groups in need, thus improving access to health services. These institutions need updated information, which can be found in Caritas Kosova's programs/projects. We represent the most vulnerable groups of people to health authorities, and exert influence on the drafting of primary and secondary health-related legislation.


Home Care

Home Care is focused on providing combined health and social services, at the national level. This project has been implemented and promoted by Caritas Kosova since 2009 and was initially financially supported by the German Caritas DCV. The working methodology, activities and services provided by... Read more

Support of outpatient services

Through this commitment, respectively the provision of outpatient services, Caritas Kosova aims not only to make functional the FMA and FMC in locations where such a service is lacking, but also to provide services to the population of the poorest strata which has limited access in outpatient... Read more

Caritas Kosova cultivates and promotes: Love, Solidarity and Peace