Since 2008 this Centre has been the second home for children with disabilities in the region of Prizren, has treated them properly and has worked very closely with parents and their families in order to successfully complete the cycle of their treatment and inclusion in normal education processes.
Currently in this centre is implemented the project My Right, which targets children with disabilities, their parents and local educational institutions. This project in itself contains two separate components, both of which aim to improve the well-being of children with disabilities.
The first component of the MY RIGHT project is the provision of childcare services at the early care and education centre. These services that are provided for children aged 0-6 years focus on mental / social / speech therapy and physical development by licensed staff of Caritas Kosova.
The second component of the project aims to support children with disabilities in the process of inclusion in the regular school system. This component in cooperation with the Municipal Directorate of Education enables the assistance and assurance of the easy inclusion of children within school institutions by providing psychologists who in addition to classroom services also provide support in individual learning for these children.