(Support of CSO in Empowering Technical Skills, Inclusion of People with Disabilities and EU Standards in South East Europe)
This project, which supports people with mental disabilities, is funded by the European Union, and has been implemented since 2016 and is now in its second 4-year implementation phase. SOCIETIES represents the Alliance for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities and Mental Health Problems and brings together 12 partners from Southeast Europe and Italy: Caritas Serbia, the Civic Initiatives (Belgrade), Caritas Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parents' Association and Children with special needs 'Vijedri osmeh' (Mostar), Caritas Albania, Hope Project (Shkodër), Caritas Kosova, Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities ‘Centre for Independent Living' (Peja), Caritas Montenegro, Association of Paraplegics (Bar), Caritas Italiana and Caritas Bulgaria.
The project aims to strengthen the participation of CSOs in dialogue with public authorities and to influence decision-making processes, raising their expertise and capacity in the field of social inclusion of people with disabilities and de-institutionalization policies. The target groups of the ‘SOCITETIES’ project are people with disabilities and mental disorders, CSOs and their members, local and national institutions.